
Commission Information

Commission status: OPEN!

Here is where you can find information on my commissions. To order some art or if you have any questions please email me at lizzlybonk42@gmail.com

Alternatively, order a commission on my Ko-Fi! Note: Ko-Fi does not allow NSFW content.

Please include the following information in your email so we can get started on your commission asap!
Your name
Your email
Your paypal email, if different to the one you use to communicate, so I can send your invoice
Type of commission
How many characters? Who are they?
Do you want a background? What kind?
Any specific poses or items, or general vibes you want, just let me know!
Please include any reference images you have of the character(s) you want, and anything else you would like me to use as inspiration for things like poses and backgrounds.
If you cannot provide reference for your character and only have a text description, an additional £10 will be added to the price to account for the extra time spent getting their look right.

Payment method will be PayPal invoice only.

Send your order to lizzlybonk42@gmail.com

Types of commission


A piece of digital art depicting a pale-skinned woman with braided  black hair and pale blue eyes. She looks directly at the viewer. She wears blue viking-inspired fantasy clothing and holds a sword with knotwork on the hilt. There is a knotwork motif behind her.
Bust example of one character and basic background elements.
A piece of digital art showing the characters Mattia Ingram and Barnaby Brooks Jr from the anime Tiger & Bunny smiling at the 'camera'. They are holding drinks and dressed for a Christmas party.
Bust example of two characters.
A piece of digital art redrawing a scene from the anime Tiger & Bunny. The characters Kotetsu Kaburagi and Ben Jackson lean against a taxi, talking. In the background the city street stretches into the distance.
An example of two characters with a detailed background.

A full colour digital artwork of one character. Basic colour or patterned background included.

Base price: £40

Additional character(s): £15 each

Detailed background: £10

Full Body

A digital art pinup of Kotetsu T. Kaburagi from the anime Tiger & Bunny as an impractibly sexy librarian. He hangs off a ladder in front of a bookcase, looking on in dismay as books fall to the floor and buttons inexplicably ping off his shirt.
An example of a full body work of one character and a detailed background.
A piece of digital art showing the characters Keith Goodman and Nathan Seymour from the anime Tiger & Bunny. They are sitting on a park bench, dressed for cold weather. John the golden retriever sits on the bench next to them; Keith pets Johnjohn's ears. Nathan is holding a coffee cup and looking fondly at Keith.
An example of a full body commission of two characters and a full background. Bonus: puppies.

A full colour digital artwork of one character. Basic colour or patterned background included. Simple furniture or backdrop element also included, but anything complex will require a fee.

Base price: £60

Additional character(s): £20

Detailed background: £20


A single page comic of Kotetsu and Barnaby at a carnival. I promise I will finish this alt text later.
An example of a comic page with two character and backgrounds.

A full colour comic page. Please email me to inquire as price would depend on length, characters, complexity etc.

Will/won't draw

I will draw: I won't draw:
People of all shapes and sizes Bigotry - no racism, homophobia, transphobia, or any of that nonsense
Animals Gore (blood and bruises? Sure! Guts and grisly stuff? Not for me, I'm afraid)
Fanart (blorbos always welcome) Furries that are more than say, a catgirl (I am not a furry, and will not steal furry valour)
Original Characters NSFW content of underage characters
Robots/mechs and mech suits - compicated designs take longer and so will incur an additional charge

I reserve the right to decline any commissions that make me uncomfortable or that I don't feel I can complete satisfactorily.

Refund Policy

  • If you cancel before I start drawing, you will get a full refund.
  • If you cancel once I've provided a sketch, you will get a partial refund.
  • No refunds available once you have approved the final sketch and colours have been started.

Terms of service

By commissioning me you agree that you have read and understood the terms of service outlined below.

  1. Payment will be by invoice only. I will send the invoice once we have agreed on what you want, and I will start work once it has been paid.
  2. I reserve the right to cancel and refund a commission for any reason - if this happens you will receive a full refund.
  3. Included in the price of each commission are three significant changes, which is anything that requires re-drawing or re-colouring a section.
  4. Once the art is complete I will send you the high resolution file as well as a smaller file suitable for posting. You may post it anywhere and use it however you like, as long as you don't claim the artwork as your own. Please credit and link back to me!
  5. My prices are for personal use only. Commercial use is not included, but may be negotiated beforehand. Your commission may not be used for profit (eg. making prints, uploading to POD services, etc.) as this would be commercial use!
  6. I retain the copyright to the actual artwork itself, and reserve the right to post it online as an example of my work or include it in collections of my work. However, if you would prefer I did not, just ask!